Friday 3 January 2014

Twins Kaulitz Celebrate @ Roosvelt Hotel In Hollywood

Bill & Tom Kaulitz Celebrated The New Year's Eve @ Roosvelt Hotel In Hollywood

This is what a fan reported since she was there and met the twins:

Hello Alien . Today is a special day for me! At a New Year Eve's party I met the Kaulitz twins !
It was a party organized by the hotel " Roosevelt " in Hollywood.
My table was on a stage , and looking at the crowd I saw Tom . I could not believe my eyes , I thought it was a guy who looked like him , but I noticed a blonde-haired head right next to him , it was unmistakable , and so I realized that they were THEM! I started screaming happy (luckily the music was loud and no one had heard me) . Reassured , I did a " poker face" and went up to them. I have gone beyond the point where they were ,unobserved ( that absurd moment when you're at a party and you expect anything but the Kaulitz twins ) . So I stepped aside, watching them, and I thought it would have been nice if they came to me. In that moment , they've turned and came up to me , Bill looked at me , then looked at the floor and continued to walk , I followed them feeling like 007 , I was trying not to lose them in the crowd. But I lost them . Bill with a tall guy went in a direction ( in the direction of his bodyguard , he was dressed in white ), while Tom and Ria ( which by the way , is beautiful , but not a super beauty ) went on a other . 10 minutes later , I found the hair of Bill and I followed him , he led me to Tom and the rest of the company . Once again I put myself aside and I thought about how nice it would be to go there to greet them. Bill was talking with an older woman and another guy , I didn't want to interrupt them, so I was still there. Then I also saw Andreas (which is beautiful, by the way. A nice guy ) .
5 minutes later I got the courage , I went to Bill and I said : " Sorry to interrupt you , but I just had to say "Hi" to you. " . He turned to me and had a look incredibly sincere and kind! Just like a child! He said " Hello " and smiled to me , I told him that Russia loves them all and that they are fantastic. He responded : "Thank you" ( he looked at me in the eyes all the time without batting his eyelashes xD ), then he shook my hand and said again : " Thank you." His voice is really sweet ... there are no words to describe it! I wished them a good night and I left . I congratulated and criticized myself at the same time for not having taken a picture with them ... I just know that They don't like it.
In fact, some photographers repeatedly approached them photo, asking to take a picture, but Bill made a sad face answering them : "No thanks ."
And so here is the story ! I'm really happy!
P.S. In real life they're as beautiful as in TV and on the pictures! Bill - without any doubt. Tom shoul have dressed better for the party. But they are awesome! Speaking about elegance Bill is the best, I assure you! Totally in contrast to the " brutality " of Tom, but he's handsome anyway. Although it was really sweet when he took the hand of Ria to bring her with him.


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