Thursday 2 January 2014

[STORY] If you jump, I will jump

Tom just sitting alone while smoking and thinking what should he do now.
After having big fight with Bill, he just out from the house with some stuff.
While he thinking, he take out his handphone.
He check message box and over 50 message from Bill and about 20 missed call.
Tom check one by one the message but he couldn't take it.
He off back his phone and look up in the sky.
He feel so cold that day.
He feel empty that day.
His mind play the fight between he and Bill.
Big fight until one of them can't take it anymore.
Sometimes curse word too over between he and Bill.
He just silent.
He can hear his own breath.
Then he saw a shadow.
He turn his right and saw one tall guy with white shirt smile at him.
He was freaking out.
But the angel say "Don't be afraid, I wont hurt you".
Tom at that person up side down.
That person sit next to Tom and just smiling at Tom.
Tom asking "Why you look at me like that?"
"I'm engel", say that person. Tom confuse and cannot believe what he hear.
"What? Engel?"
That person noddling.
"And I know you have fight with your twins."
Tom once again freaking out and jump from his seat.
"How do you know that?"
"Because I'm engel. Have sit back son".
Tom sit back slowly while looking at that person.
"I know you and Bill always fighting. Sometimes you think you should be alone in this world, right?"
"Bill make me headache sometimes".
"But you love him right?"
"Yes of coz I love him. His my twins". Tom rub his hands and he feel his hands very pain. Feeling weird.
That engel sit more close to Tom and look at Tom face.
He saw a beautiful face that half of Tom are Bill parts.
He saw a beautiful face that always take care of Bill.
He saw a beautiful face who worry about Bill life if he not with him.
"Every thing in this world need support. For example every problem have the answer. Every story have the chapter. Every love have the hurt. Every minutes have second. If you still mad at Bill, meaning you just deny that he part of your life."
Tom quiet and thinking.
Too many question in his head now even why this man suddenly appear.
"We will not be parted".
"Yes, you both will not be parted and will be forever. I see everything my child". That engel hold Tom hands and show the red spot on Tom hands.
He knew something not right because he never had it before.
"Bill needs you now my child".
Tom look at that engel and he get up. He quickly grab his stuff and didn't look back. He can feel it something not right with Bill. His mark on his hands very unusual.
When he driving, he can hear Bill calling his name.
Whispering his name.
Crying for help. He can feel it inside deep his chest.
He dont care if he been chase by police because all he think now is Bill.
His body feel shaking but he don't want think so much.
After he arrive he quickly run insde the house and search for Bill but Bill was not there.
He got a call from Gustav that the news report Bill on top of the roof with bleeding hands.
Tom chest feel hurt.
"Bill needs you now my child". The voice come again on his ear.
Tom go back to his car and drive to that place. The place surrounded by police and ambulance.
He feel scared.
He feel his dignity out of control.
He feel lost.
Tom run as fast as he can to the rooftop.

He out of breath
He out of energy
But he need to save Bill.
He don't want lose him
He don't want live alone
He don't want........parted
Bill feel Tom was near.
His blood getting dry and his hands feel so pain.
He turn back and saw Tom try to breathing.
Tom glance at Bill and asking him. "Did I'm too late?"
"Late of what?"
"Jump with you".
Bill get down from the place and facing Tom. "Why are you here? You say you hate me".
"How can I hate you when part of you is part of mine."
Bill just glance down.
"One engel come to me and say everything in this world need support. If not theyre are nothing, same like you and me".
"And I need you Bill no matter what happen. I promise you I won't let you go. Remember, we will not be parted?"
Bill noddling.
"Then take my hands. Don't do this. If you still do, we do together".
"Really Bill"
"Even everyday we had fight, you never leave me?"
Tom just smirk and hugging Bill. "Never"
"But we need to put medicine on your wounds".
"Okay.. it's really painful...."
Bill feel weird when he look his hands clean from blood and wounds.
"Oh my god, my hands!"
"Engel" Tom smiling. Bill look at Tom and also smiling.
"Let's go home."
Tom and Bill hugging each other and leave the place.
The engel look them from side and smile.
God bless both of them.

-The End-

So I hope you like but I'm sorry its very long
Take almost 2 hours to finish it
But I hope you like it!
Danke schon who read it.

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