Monday 30 December 2013

Darling Parade

Okay, I want talk about one of band that get my attention (while waiting TH album)
Darling Parade band from Nashville, TN.
when I remember Tennessee I remember Paramore.
(black and white again)
Here they're are.
Theyre follow me on twitter and that's awesome.
but Darling Parade you make a right choice to follow me because you get my attention.

First song that I heard was Ghost.
It act already release early this year (I'm quiet slow) but Hey, at least little too late, better than never.
It's great song and it's my type song.
Pop Rock/Rock
See! I'm look so innonce but act I'm inside are hardcore person.
Listen to this song first (if you never heard this band), then try listen to other's.
Enjoy :)
Twitter: Darling Parade

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